27 October 2010

Of Lake Alice, Harn Museum and St. Augustine

When people think of Florida, there are three things they think of: sun, sand and the Everglades. Yes, I know people think of other things too like the Daytona 500, Universal Studios and Disney World. Like any other place, there are other beautiful places in Florida. Some, like Lake Alice and the Harn Museum, are hidden in bigger places, the University of Florida in this case. Others are a bit more well known. Case in point, St. Augustine. (Did you know that St. Augustine is the patron saint of brewers?)

At the banks of Lake Alice. I took this photo in December last year, so there were no alligators. We were lucky enough, though to see a tortoise. In the summer, the lake is teeming with alligators. Most of them are quite tiny, but a friend of mine once saw a five-footer on her way to the lab. Good thing she was on the bus.


A sculpture outside the Harn Museum. The museum mostly shows modern and contemporary art. There is one Monet, if I'm not mistaken. Right next to it is the Florida Museum of Natural History. If you love butterflies, this is a place to go. 


St. Augustine is the oldest European-established city in the USA. The moment I saw it, I had to laugh. It so obviously was established by the Spaniards. The biggest indicator in my knowledge? The Castillos de San Marcos looked exactly like Intramuros in Manila. The same curtain walls, the same towers etc. It's almost like the Spaniards had some sort of template.

All photographs were taken by me.