25 January 2011

Of Houston and Being Stuck

I had an extremely long layover last month. Unintentionally. I guess that's what happens when you use employee dependent tickets. Sure they're cheaper and sure I had a business class seat, but as long as you're not a revenue passenger, you'll always be subjected to load. 

So, I decided to make proper use of my time and explore the Museum District in Houston. Since I didn't drive, I only managed to go to three museums. Very fine museums, I must say. The first was the Houston Museum of Natural Science, the second was the Museum of Fine Arts, and finally, the Contemporary Arts Museum. All are a must go. Just make sure you you book your ticket home. Houston isn't exactly a friendly place for people who like taking public transportation, nor is it great for people who like to walk, like me. And aside from the Museum District, Rice University, Theater District and the Johnson Space Center, there's wasn't really much I wanted to see.

Houston Museum of Natural Science

Tyrannosaurus Rex

Triceratops...are they a whole species on their own or are they just younger versions of another dinosaur?

Shells from the Philippines. Didn't know there were so many.

This little plaza was beautiful.

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