05 December 2011

Of Mini Stick-O's

I went grocery shopping with my mom today. Grocery shopping can be both a chore and piece of excitement for me, depending on what day it is and if I feel like cooking on that day. In fact, my dad recommends giving the grocery store in the country you're visiting a little visit too along with other tourist spots. He swears that you can learn more about the culture of a nation by visiting their grocery stores and public markets than just visiting tourist spots. Anyway, today, mom and I chanced upon this little gem...literally little. I always thought Stick-O's came is bigger jars and longer sticks, at least that's how I remembered them. But here these were. I immediately had an image of a tiny five-year old grasping one of these. (Since I don't have kids, I imagined myself as a five-year old.) We had to get some. Taste-wise, it's still the same Stick-O taste you get when you buy the bigger jars, nothing min-blowing. But these tiny jars were. Definitely something super cute.

PS. This is not an ad for Stick-O. I just thought the little jars were too cute to not mention in this blog.

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