15 October 2011

Of Comfort Food

My last post was about my favorite comfort breakfast food, and that got me thinking. What food would you have on days when you just want to eat something easy and delicious? Today was one of those days for me. My go to snack on days like this is buttered corn. I love how the corn seems to pop in your mouth as you bite in before it oozes its sweet juices on your tongue. Then there's that buttery taste that coats everything. And all that is so easy to make. I simply pop some frozen corn on the microwave for a few minutes until it heats up. Then I pop a pat of butter on top and let it ooze all over the corn. 

The only thing that could possibly beat this is the deliciousness of McVitie's Digestive biscuits. Yum!!! I missed these digestive biscuits. I don't think they ever sold these in the Philippines or in the USA. At least not in the usual groceries I went to. I've always felt like digestive biscuits remind me of Britain. I think it's because I remember reading about it in "A Room With A View". 

My next favorite snack is Nutella. Best eaten with bread, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with just eating it off the spoon. That's all I can say about it.

To finish everything off, a nice cup of Earl Grey tea is absolutely wonderful. I love the smell of bergamot when it mixes with black tea. I usually enjoy my tea with milk and sugar. Actually that's how I usually enjoy my tea, doesn't matter if it's black or green or white. I also like green tea with mint, but it definitely does not beat Earl Grey's with milk and sugar. 

So what do you think? What's your favorite comfort food?

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