18 October 2011

Of Tortang Talong and Lemon Pepper Fish

When I started writing this entry, I realized that I should probably look up the definition of torta. I figured that since this was a Filipino recipe, there must be an interesting history to this dish. I figured that it must have started in Spain. A quick look in Wikipedia proved me right, but it also showed me that there were so many definitions referring to torta. In Mexico, it's a sandwich, and a flat bread in Spain. Depending on where you are in the Philippines, it can either be omelette or a sweet cupcake-like thingy. (I couldn't think of another word to describe Tortang Cebuana

One of my absolute favorite versions of the word torta is tortang talong. Tortang talong is essentially an eggplant omelette. The best thing about it is the smoky smell of the eggplant as you grill it.

Here's what you need:
1 eggplant
1 egg, beaten

Grill the eggplant until its skin start to char and break apart. Then remove the skin. You don't even need to exert effort in this step since the skin almost literally pulls away from the eggplant. Then using a fork, flatten the eggplant. Then it's dipping time. Dip the eggplant into the eggs and fry! Season with salt and pepper. When one side is done, flip! When the omelette looks cooked, remove it from the pan and eat!

Tortang Talong

Notice that the recipe only makes one torta. So, you'll have to make more if you're serving other people...or if you just want to eat a lot. Don't forget, tortang talong tastes really good with ketchup. It just does, at least for me. Also, there are a few variations you can do with tortang talong. Here they are:

1. You can add peas and carrots. Add them once you put the eggplants in the pan for frying.
2. You can sauté onions and garlic, then place the eggplant over a little mound of them and continue frying. (This is actually what I did)
3. Some people put meat in as well.

Of course, I couldn't just eat torta alone (although, of course, you can). So, I decided that a little fried fish should go with it. This recipe is sooo simple, and sooo good. 

For the Lemon Pepper Fish, you'll need:
1 white fish fillet
Juice of 1 lemon

First thing to do is assess whether or not one fish fillet is too big or too small. My fish fillet was quite big, so I sliced it into two pieces. You don't have to do this is your fillet is too small or if you like big pieces. Then I marinated the fillets in half the lemon juice for about 5-7minutes. Then I seasoned the fish with salt and lots of pepper. Remember to at least put enough pepper such that you can actually taste the pepper. You can use either finely grounded pepper or roughly grounded.  Finally, pan fry until golden brown on both sides.

Lemon Pepper Fish

Serve both dishes with rice. You might want to try a different sauce for the fish, though. I suggest a mixture of soy sauce and lemon, or better yet, calamansi (or calamondin).

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