12 October 2011

Of Banana Bread Scones

I love how soft the scone is.
I came about the next scone recipe because I was looking for another way to make scones. If you're on a diet and are watching the fat and sugar content of your food, this is the recipe for you. It's also great for those annoying overripe bananas. Yes, I find them annoying. It's called Banana Bread Scone and I found it on thekitchn.

This recipe isn't like any scone recipe I've come across before. First, the dough is quite wet. Second, part of the recipe required you to freeze the dough for about thirty minutes. That said, it smelled so good and it had the right amount of sugar in it. After cutting it, I realized that it was literally a cross between a scone and a banana bread. It was soft, but it wasn't as gooey and wet as a banana bread.

2 very ripe bananas (The ones I used were so ripe, they were practically falling apart when I peeled them)
3 tablespoons milk (the recipe said 2-4 tablespoons until it made 1 cup, but my bananas were so soggy, I had to forego the measuring part and just dumped them in a bowl with the milk)
1/2 cup plain cream (or yogurt)
2 1/2 cup all purpose flour
4 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup walnuts (optional)

I mashed the bananas and added the milk in a bowl. Then I stirred in the cream. 
In a larger bowl, I combined the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. I cut in the butter until I had a coarse crumb mixture. If you're using walnuts, this would be the time to incorporate them. 
Since I wasn't using them, I went on to the next step, which was pouring in the banana-cream mixture. I stirred until the flour was just incorporated. Then I lined a plate with parchment paper and poured my dough over it, shaping it into a disk. I covered it with another sheet of parchment paper and placed it in the freezer for 30 minutes.
I preheated the oven to 400F or 200C. Then I removed the dough from the freezer and removed the first parchment paper. I inverted it into a parchment lined baking sheet and removed the second parchment paper. 
At this point, you can lice them into wedges (pull them apart a bit you plan to do so to give them room to expand) or bake it as is and slice it later. I chose to do the latter since our freezer wasn't able to harden the dough by much. Then I baked it for 25-30 minutes or until the edges had turned golden brown.
After mine came out of the oven, I cooled it for a bit before slicing it into triangles. 

In the recipe for thekitchn, they used a glaze to decorate the scone. Since I was cooking for my parents (who are starting to get old people problems), I decided to forego this part and just serve it plain with some fruit

The banana bread scone as it came out of the oven

Cutting more slices

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